Our non-profit organization would like to share with you a film about helping your friends to accept Jesus into their hearts.
The Kit includes: Training Info. Book Door Hanger Name Tags Jesus Film Package
“In 1996, in Los Angeles, just as I was beginning outreach to Muslims through POBLO International Ministries, it was the Jesus Film which really got the ministry started. A local pastor introduced me to two Muslim men he had met and invited to his house where they watched the Jesus Film. Because of that outreach tool, these young men were the first to become Christians in that ministry.”
This Christmas, you can gift a Muslim neighbor with the Jesus Film in his or her own language. The Jesus Film, faithful to the Gospel, is available in 24 languages on a single DVD.
Maybe your Hindu friend could watch the story of Christ’s birth?
How about your Muslim co-worker listening to Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount?
You can gift the Jesus Film to someone you know, or even someone you don’t know. Here’s how: POBLO International Ministries draws from a data bank which can identify a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Buddhist resident in your community.
This means that you could have the Jesus Film mailed to a Hindu, an atheist, a Buddhist from China, or to a Muslim from Afghanistan who might be living just a stone’s throw away.
What a great Christmas present!
God may be putting certain people from the community on your heart, possibly someone from China, India, Pakistan, or the Middle East. Maybe you’ve got a burden for the people who attend the mosque or temple near you. Maybe your love for Middle Eastern or Indian food has brought you in touch with a waitress whom you would like to introduce to Jesus!
The Jesus Film Project, offered by POBLO International Ministries, allows you to do any or all of the above!
The Jesus Film comes in a kit which also contains the Gospel of John, and a survey form. When you give away the Jesus Film, it can potentially change the life of not just one person or family, but up to 50 people. And that’s because the research shows that when a single Jesus Film DVD is given to a single household, over a two year period, it will be watched by an average of 50 people.
Yes, that’s right!
First, the whole household will watch the Jesus Film, then the extended family, then the neighbors, and finally, even strangers in the community will watch it and learn what Jesus said and did.
The cost of the Jesus Film lit is $10. Your gift of $10 will allow many people to learn about Jesus. Pray about an individual to whom you would like to gift the film. Follow the easy instructions in the kit which explain what you will say when giving the Jesus Film away. In case you might be hesitant, or even fearful to give someone this powerful, Scriptural gift, I would encourage you to: 1) Make a commitment 2) Pray for courage to take a step of faith, and 3) Watch God work!
Your gift of just $10 for a single Jesus Film kit could change many lives!. You may want to make a gift of the Jesus Film to five households. That would mean $50, and potentially as many as 250 people who would one day watch the film.
You can personally hand the Jesus Film to someone you know, or have it mailed to your immediate neighbor, or to someone in your community.
Two Different Ways to Give the Gift
Option One
Send a check to our non-profit organization, POBLO International, for as many Jesus Film kits as you would like to order, $10 per kit, and we will mail them to you. Follow the instructions as to how to introduce your gift of the Jesus Film to a neighbor or friend. Then, either knock on your neighbor’s door, or hand it to a co-worker as you ask, “Would you like to watch a free film about the life of Jesus?”
If they agree, simply hand them the Jesus Film kit. It also contains the Gospel of John. Then, pray that they will watch it. And finally, after about 10 days, ask whether they watched it and whether they have any questions or comments.
Option Two
Send a check to POBLO International, requesting us to mail the Jesus Film to the address of someone you know, or to a random non-Christian immigrant in your community. Let us know if you particularly want that person to be a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh, Chinese, Arab, Iranian, or whatever. POBLO will obtain the name and address of such a person. We will then mail the Jesus Film to them.
You will then be given their name and address so that you can pray for them that they will watch the entire film, that they will be moved by the words and deeds of Jesus, and that the Holy Spirit will make it impossible for them NOT to think deeply about the meaning of Christ’s death and resurrection. Pray that many people, adults and children, and those from several different families will learn about the love of God in Jesus Christ!
When ordering the Jesus Film kit to be mailed to an unknown person in your community, please include your email address so that we can forward the name of the person to pray for.
A burden for the people who attend the mosque or temple near you. Or, maybe your love for Middle Eastern or Indian food has brought you in touch with a waitress whom you would like to introduce to Jesus!